Brands winning ticket
With us you get the receipt - but not without prize draw tickets! On behalf of ANWR-GARANT SWISS AG, we were commissioned to produce a highly exciting lottery ticket for the SPORT 2000 retail network, which focuses entirely on customer orientation and is thus the perfect advertising medium for independent sports retailers.

Product This is a raffle ticket with four pages and two tear-off flaps with instant prizes inside. A total of 52,000 raffle tickets were produced for over 150 sports stores with individual designs and prize mixes: Each specialty retailer has its own selection of prizes and matching sponsors.
Thanks to the combination of digital web printing and fully integrated postpress, which is unique on the market, this is possible even in very small runs of less than 100 per specialty store.
Done by us: customer consultation, production concept, data preparation, batch programming, personalization, printing, finishing (partially glued, doubled, punched, perforated, folded and cut). Direct shipping to over 150 sports stores.
Manythanks to ANWR-GARANT SWISS AG for this challenging and exciting order!